Impulse 🚀

by DBA

Build your MVP in just three weeks for $40k-$60k.

One week planning. One week prototyping. One week intensive build. Launch.

Book a Call

MVP? What's that?

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a streamlined version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early adopters and gather valuable user feedback for future development and improvements.

With an MVP, you'll efficiently validate product-market fit, gather crucial feedback, and make informed iterations.

Getting early product feedback helps ensure that capital is focused on the features that users care about.

The Impulse Advantage

DBA is here to help! We'll work with your team to build and launch your MVP so that you are evaluating your product in just three weeks.

We build and launch products all the time. DBA understands that the process can feel overwhelming, and has the experience to walk you through a successful launch.

Don’t like surprises? Impulse is a fixed-budget service, so you always know exactly what to expect.

The Path:

Week 1

Research and Planning

  • Create user profiles
  • Determine business goals
  • Identify core features
  • Write project roadmap
  • Deploy project skeleton

Week 2


  • Discover best user flows
  • Develop initial clickable prototype
  • Gather user feedback
  • Iterate on prototype

Week 3

Intensive Build

  • Implement backend services
  • Grow prototype into application
  • Test application
  • Gather feedback & Iterate
  • Deploy production build



  • Launch MVP to beta testers
  • Prepare for user feedback
  • Deliver summary of MVP
  • Plan for future development

Running MVP

Optional AI Add-on

Unlock the potential of artificial intelligence. We will integrate AI technologies into your product's core features, optimizing business processes and enhancing customer experiences. Harness the power of machine learning, natural language processing, image generation, and data analytics to elevate your product to the next level.

Need Funding?

In this challenging funding environment, we are excited to partner with qualified startups via early stage investment. You can find out more at dba.holdings . Your company can secure the financial support it needs while benefiting from our industry expertise and networks.

What's great about DBA?

Proven experience launching products.

Leverage our extensive expertise in delivering successful MVPs and full-fledged applications, enabling your vision to become a market-ready reality.

Collaborative approach with transparent communication.

Our team engages in close partnership with clients, fostering a seamless workflow and open dialogue for effective decision-making and app refinement.

Post-launch support.

We provide dedicated, ongoing assistance to ensure your app thrives, with proactive bug fixes, feature enhancements, and performance optimization.

Testimonial 01
Aron Wagner
"DBA’s engineering excellence was the best I have seen in the business. On the infrastructure side of technology, enterprises struggle to adopt multi-cloud strategies with tools and solutions that are well documented. DBA’s team had the additional challenge of two separate open-source clouds, with little to no documentation and were able to invent a multi-cloud pipeline providing not only redundancy to Truth Social’s infrastructure but also 100% uptime. It was simply incredible to witness, I can’t wait to see what these guys build next."
Check out the full case study
Testimonial 01
Jon Phillips
"What DBA created for us, I didn't even know it was possible. And I come from the I.T. side of the business!"
Check out the full case study
Testimonial 01
Will Wilkerson
Co-Founder / Senior VP of Operations - Truth Social
"DBA was hired to provide the expertise and resources needed to launch Truth Social. Their team handled all of the critical tasks including infrastructure, scalability and product design. The team at DBA worked diligently to ensure the product launched on time and was available to be used by millions of users around the world."
Check out the full case study

Launch, Quickly.

Get Started

Impulse is a fixed-budget service, so you're never surprised by costs. Pricing ranges from $40k-$60k depending upon complexity and domain requirements. Adding AI to your MVP typically adds $20k-$30k and a few weeks to a project.

Contact us for a free consultation and discover how Impulse can help launch your MVP in just three weeks.

Schedule Free Consultation