We had a great time hosting this week’s Lunch & Liberty on X Spaces, where we discussed a range of topics, including digital identity systems, the Carta controversy, and the philosophy of AI. If you missed it live, you can LISTEN to it here:
Daring Bits
Court: Keep Quiet About X User Surveillance - The Supreme Court rejects an appeal from X Corp to assert its 1st Amendment right to disclose federal surveillance of its users. Probably safe to just assume it’s happening.
Bitcoin ETFs have landed - for real this time - It finally happened: The SEC has [ begrudgingly?] approved bitcoin ETFs, in a major step toward mainstream acceptance of Bitcoin. Meanwhile…
SEC, Unauthorized Edition - @SECGov posted an unauthorized tweet saying that it had approved bitcoin ETFs - before it actually happened. How can they protect us when they can’t even protect their own X account?
Robot Overlords
Two Transformers Make a Turing - This paper claims to prove that AI transformers by themselves are not turing-complete, but that a new multi-transformer architecture is. Discussion.
iHuman, iSwear - Photorealistic AI-generated images of a woman holding up handwriting can fool Reddit’s human verification processes. Not impressed by photos? Add shaky cam.
Liberty Toolbox
Fighting Back Against DEI - Elon Musk gives a big shoutout to America First Legal: “Have you been discriminated against by a corporation, university or agency in the name of ‘diversity, equity & inclusion’? We want to hear from you.”
Free Signed Book: First Five Replies
To show our appreciation for our readers, we are giving away a signed copy of Luke Tatum’s book Between the Lies to the first five readers who reply to this week’s newsletter.
Between the Lies offers a look behind the curtain of the financial world to expose the lies and half-truths believed by millions of Americans. More importantly, it is a step-by-step guide to breaking free of these systems and ensuring financial security for yourself and your family for generations.